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Ben Gilliland - Science But Not As We Know It (DK) (2nd Hand Hardback)
Subtitled : Cutting-edge concepts made simple. ("It's not rocket science" - actually it is).
The media reports on the latest scientific discoveries and breakthroughs can seem like a foreign language, from black holes, to dark matter and exoplanets to leap seconds. Finally get to grips with these difficult concepts by reading Ben Gilliland's unique take on them.
Science But Not As We Know It takes complex scientific ideas and breaks them down for the non-scientist, from explaining the size of the Universe, to how black holes work, Schroedinger's cat and the Higgs boson. Difficult ideas and theories are compared to everyday things we are familiar with - forces become armies and electrons have personalities.
This book will have you saying 'I get it now!' over and over again. You no longer have to be a rocket scientist to understand rocket science. (This book is mainly covers Space & The Universe).