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![Michael Portillo - Portillo's Hidden History of Britain (2nd Hand Paperback)](
Michael Portillo - Portillo's Hidden History of Britain (2nd Hand Paperback)
A compelling and evocative history of Britain through the stories of its `lost' or abandoned buildings; a companion to Channel 5's series of the same name.
Portillo's Secret History of Britain presents a compelling and wonderfully evocative history of Britain through the stories of its `lost' or abandoned places and buildings. The chapters cover a variety of historical themes: Crime and Punishment, Health and Medicine, Defence and Warfare, and Entertainment and Leisure.
Using a combination of his own investigations and archive research, plus memories and quotations from the contributors he interviewed for the series, Michael Portillo explains what the buildings were used for and by whom, why they were abandoned, and what they can tell us about our past.
For example :
- Learn what the ruins of London Road Fire and Police Station in Manchester reveal about the history of the emergency services in the last 100 years.
- How Bradford's art deco Odeon cinema encapsulates a century of film-making and movie-going.
With evocative text that brings each location vividly to life, Michael Portillo describes the building and its activities in its heyday and compares this past life with its faded grandeur or melancholic abandonment seen today.
Filled with fascinating insights and observations, his narrative provides a compelling and original perspective on Britain's social and military history.
Portillo's Hidden History of Britain features deserted villages, abandoned prisons, closed-down cinemas, empty hospitals, derelict military bases, sewers and much more. Complementing the text are 16 pages of atmospheric and informative photographs.
- Format : Standard 2nd Hand Paperback
- Condition : Very Good
- Category : Non-Fiction - Britain
- Published : 2018 (This Edition 2019 - Michael O'Mara Books)
- ISBN : 9781789291445
- SKU : B002839
- PPC : LL300gm
- RRP : £9.99
- Quantity Available : 1 only.
External Reviews
"Bolstered by atmospheric photos, it's a really insightful read." - Culture Fly.
"An enjoyable read for the history, for the people or simply for the fun of it."
"An intelligent and informative read. Portillo, with his usual fluent and engaging style brings some almost forgotten buildings and institutions to life. At times humorous and at others deferential and reflective, Portillo's humanity shines through"
"British History presented in a very interesting way, plenty of this history was unknown to myself, there is allot of information packed within this books pages, I really enjoyed it, I never found it boring or dull, took one week to read this book, and learnt something new everyday from its pages. no editorial errors, good book structure throughout, nice book cover. If you like British history this book would be worth reading. Could be useful for any college or university students of history." - Goodreads Reviews.
The Author
Michael Denzil Xavier Portillo is a British journalist, author, broadcaster and former politician. His broadcast series include railway documentaries such as Great British Railway Journeys and Great Continental Railway Journeys.