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OS Landranger 9 - Cape Wrath, Durness & Scourie (2nd Hand Map)
OS Landranger 9 - Cape Wrath, Durness & Scourie - essential on any trip to the area.
This map is part of the Landranger (Pink) series and is designed for people who really want to get to know an area. It includes the following information: tourist information, camping and caravan sites, picnic areas and viewpoints, selected places of interest and rights of way information.
Each map in the series covers an area of 40 km by 40 km (25 miles by 25 miles) and like other Ordnance Survey maps, National Grid squares are provided so that any feature can be given a unique reference number.
Perfect for planning ahead and local excursions, these maps are full of useful information that will help you really get to know an area.
- Format : Standard 2nd Hand OS Map (1:50000 Series)
- Condition : Acceptable (Clean & complete but scuffed around edges of cardboard outer)
- Category : Other Products - Maps
- Published : 1997 (Ordnance Survey)
- ISBN : 9780319222980
- SKU : M000002
- PPC : LL100gm
- RRP : £9.99
- Quantity Available : 1 only.
External Reviews
None currently available.
The Publisher
Ordnance Survey is the national mapping agency for Great Britain. The agency's name indicates its original military purpose, which was to map Scotland in the wake of the Jacobite rising of 1745. There was also a more general and nationwide need in light of the potential threat of invasion during the Napoleonic Wars.