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Richard Hammond - Smart Retail (2nd Hand Paperback)
Subtitled : Practical Winning Ideas & Strategies from The Most Successful Retailers in The World.
The World's #1 Guide to Retail Success . . . complete with crucial, up-to-date insights--including new case studies, ideas, strategies, and tactics from today's best retailers, like TopShop, IKEA, Costco and Best Buy.
Smart Retail incorporates several valuable chapters, including:
- Opportunities to learn from past retail pioneers: simple yet effective strategies your competitors have forgotten.
- How to use data to drive profit and growth.
- How to do more with less, and maximize the value each team member brings to the table.
- How to use new technology to develop highly productive, innovative "Remote Teams".
Covering everything from creating the ultimate retail experience to understanding the customer and the importance of motivated workers, this is the book that will equip managers, team-workers, retail entrepreneurs and indeed anybody who sells direct to customers, with practical winning ideas and strategies.
- Format : Standard 2nd Hand Paperback
- Condition : Very Good (Almost As New)
- Category : Non-Fiction - Economics, Business & Money
- Published : 2012 (FT Press USA / Pearson)
- ISBN : 9780133066128
- SKU : B002751
- PPC : LL300gm
- RRP : $24.99
- Quantity Available : 1 only.
External Reviews
"Smart Retail is a good book for sampling major retailer's strategies for selling their products, whether it is a tangible good or a service. It covers all major areas of the selling process, from the paperwork, to the marketing of the product from inside the company as well as external sources, and working with your company to make sure everything is consistent.
At a list price of $25, it is an excellent value. Richard Hammond provides enough information to give readers a solid footing on each topic, and apply it to their own business in a way that is best for them. He reinforces this writing style by giving real world examples of strategic methods that companies have used to inspire ideas.
Three areas that this book can help incredibly in a company are the teams or product development, management, and marketing. Smart Retail allows these three teams to create synergy inside the company, and a seamless transaction with the customer. Lets be honest; in this economy, companies need to ahead of the competition to stay afloat. This book can help do so." - Amazon Review.
"Hammond deliberately points out that selling stuff is simple - but easy to do badly. And he proceeds to give pointers most of which are so brilliant that you slap your forehead and wonder how the hell you hadn't already worked that out." - Goodreads Review.
The Author
Richard Hammond (no, not that one) is proud to call himself a retailer: He has more than 25 years of experience and still gets a buzz from it every day. He has developed a practical problem-solving approach to creating great retail experiences. His consultancy business put this into practice for clients ranging from convenience stores in Kazakhstan, fashion brands in Sweden, to big stores and brands in the UK.