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Search Engine Optimisation For Dummies (3rd Edition) (2nd Hand Paperback)
Author : Peter Kent.
Why do some sites pop to the top when you search? How do you make yours one of them? You create sites that make search engines happy - that’s what search engine optimisation is all about.
Search Engine Optimization For Dummies has been the leading resource on how to make that happen, and this 3rd edition is updated to cover the changes, standards, tips, and tricks.
This handy guide shows you how to get more visitors by getting more visibility for your web site. Find out which search engines matter most, what they look for (and what they hate) how to get your site included in the best indexes and directories, and the most effective ways to spend your advertising dollars.
You’ll discover how to : Plan a search engine strategy Build pages that offer visibility - Make your site rank high with the most important search engines - Avoid things that search engines don’t like (and tricks that might actually get your site penalised) - Use Google universal search, image search optimisation, XML sitemaps, and more.
Choose the right keywords, track and measure your results -Increase your exposure with shopping directories and retailers - Boost your position with popular links and social networking sites - Use Pay-Per-Click in ways that get the most bang for your advertising buck.
Search Engine Optimization For Dummies, 3rd Edition also helps you skirt some of the pitfalls and become a savvy advertiser. With this book at your side, you’ll never need to fear search engines again!
- Format : Larger Square 2nd Hand Paperback
- Condition : Very Good
- Category : Non-Fiction - Education, Textbooks & How-To Books
- Published : 2008 (Wiley - 3rd Edition)
- ISBN : 9760470262702
- SKU : B001793
- PPC : SP450gm
- RRP : £19.99
- Quantity Available : 1 only.
External Reviews
" . . . seriously, Peter Kent, the author, has done a tremendous job explaining and demystifying SEO in this book with nice separate chapters and step by step explanations." - Goodreads Review.