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Terry Waite - Travels With A Primate (2nd Hand Paperback)

SKU B002910
1 available
Original price £2.70 - Original price £2.70
Original price
£2.70 - £2.70
Current price £2.70

Subtitled : Around The World with Robert Runcie.

The full humour of Terry Waite comes through in this entertaining collection of true life travels with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie.

In contrast to his earlier bestseller Taken on Trust, this amusing new book shows another side to the man who was a hostage in Beirut for five years. Yet it retains his carefully written prose and powers of description.

Waite recounts various adventures as he, Runcie and a few staff members travel all over the world from Alaska to Africa and from Australia to America. As they meet ordinary people, heads of state and celebrities Waite always brings out the humorous and therefore human touch. Woven into the anecdotes are interesting snippets of history about the Archbishops of Canterbury, Lambeth Palace and the complex organism called the Anglican Communion. Anglicans are better than most religious people at laughing at themselves; and without preaching,

In Lagos Terry Waite had to stop an official motorcade in order to lean out of the Archbishop’s car to be sick. In Scotland, Waite is recognised on the street by a passer by, but the Archbishop, dressed in open-neck shirt, is not. “Come and have a wee dram and bring your friend along too.” Every story amuses, and in doing so the ancient Episcopalian Church of England is revealed in a new light.

All too rarely does the Church laugh at itself. Here is a Christmas book for the very widest of audiences.

  • Format : Standard 2nd Hand Paperback
  • Condition : As New
  • Category : Non-Fiction - Autobiography & Biography
  • Published : 2000 (This Edition 2019 - SPCK Publishing)
  • ISBN : 9780281080564
  • SKU : B002910
  • PPC : LL300gm
  • RRP : £7.99
  • Quantity Available : 1 only.
External Reviews

"This is Terry as he really is - wise & funny." - John Sargent.

"In Travels with a Primate he reminisces on the seven years of his travels with Runcie as the Archbishop's Advisor on Anglican Communion Affairs . . . Terry Waite manages to communicate quiet trust in a God who is in charge despite the sometimes tumultuous and chaotic activities of mankind. If the book has a weakness it is the sense that Waite is not totally at home in his genre. His stories are interesting and fun, but often the humour is a bit laboured resulting in more smiles than laughs. Nevertheless, Travels with a Primate is a good, relaxing read and manages to educate and inspire without failing to entertain." - Dwight Longenecker.

"It's a great book for an inveterate traveller like myself. It solves the problem of jet lag – it kept me laughing" - Gordon Riddock.

"I enjoyed it immensely. A travelogue that is refreshingly irreverent and deeply human" - James Naughtie.

The Author

Former hostage Terence Hardy Waite CBE is an English humanitarian and author. Waite was the Assistant for Anglican Communion Affairs for the then Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie, in the 1980's.

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